Working With Us:

The Educational Acting Internship

Submissions welcome at this link! Hear about the program from the 2024 Interns! There is a stipend, along with college credit.

  • Acting Interns will be on-boarded during Topdog/Underdog while taking Shakespeare Acting Classes, developing audition monologues, and beginning rehearsals for Love’s Labour’s. Acting Interns will also work at Windhover assisting the TopDog production.

  • Acting Interns play a role + understudy in Love’s Labour’s, presented under-the-tent. Application Deadline is 3/1.

  • In an ever-changing theater industry, Lanes Coven believes that artists should be well-rounded and know how to do many crafts in the theater.

Audition & Interview Required.

Summer Performances at Windhover

In-Person EPA Auditions are concluded. We’re in the final callback process. Thank you everyone for coming in!




Seeking Volunteers!! For:

  • Romeo & Juliet public performances (3/13-3/15 at Hammond Castle) CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP - USHER / GREETER

  • Topdog/Underdog & Love’s Labour’s Lost: during the rehearsal processes, performances, and Youth Acting Program (all at Windhover!) The Entire Summer Season Dates are (May 6th - August 18th) Duties include:

    • load-in (must be able to lift and carry)

    • Assist administratively

    • Search for a prop

    • Lead Front-Of-House (FOH) (once the show is open)

    • Usher (once the show is open) and set up Windhover (water for guests and actors, prepare bathrooms)

    • Greet Guests

    • Assist at our Cultivation Event (May 30) or our Gala (July 11)

Please contact with interest! We’re grateful for your help!

Self Tape Instructions

Please make sure you are well Lit! Use a ring-light if you have one, and as neutral a background as possible, fancy backgrounds aren’t necessary, but appreciated if you have it. If you don’t have a ring light make sure to film during the day

Please frame your video from the waist up. Don’t cut off the top of your head.

Please include an introduction, aka a “slate.” Introduce yourself with your name, preferred pronouns if you like, or anything else you would like to share about your identity; your height, confirm you are willing to work as a local hire, confirm your union status, and please confirm your vaccination status

Upload the video to Vimeo, Youtube, GoogleDrive or WeTransfer. If you’ve made the video private, make sure that you give us the password.

Attach your headshot and resume in the email. Email to Thank you!!!